In this industry, we don’t always get to meet the people we work with face-to-face.
Sure, we talk on the phone, Skype and email, but sometimes years go by—and even though we’ve worked on numerous projects together—we’ve never shaken our clients’ hands. We are in New York, and they’re someplace else in the world. You know how it is—go, go, go!
That’s why last month was especially exciting for us…we got to meet people that we’ve never met before or haven’t seen in ages. It was a busy May!
On May 11th, we attended the tinygiant party where we got to meet and chat with new and old connections in the industry including Annalise Rowane—a producer we’ve worked with for over 10 years but have never met in person! Photo above: Yamilca with Producer Annalise Rowane, Production Supervisor Jessica Drennan, and 1st AD Mark Kaufmann
Then, on May 26th, we attended Shoot Magazine New Directors’ Showcase where we had the pleasure of meeting Robert Goodrich, and saw Veronica and other familiar faces again. It was an exciting event for so many reasons. Earlier that day, we announced the launch of our new website. Some of the other attendees had received the email and came over to say hello. We even met Brent Bettes at the event—another producer we work with often but hadn’t yet met in person.
Yamilca with Veronica Diaferia, Founder, tinygiant
Robert Goldrich, Editor, Shoot Magazine
Joe even got to share some face time with Director, Mark Tiedemann, in NYC.
Joe with Mark Tiedemann, Director
Because of the fact that we don’t always get to put faces with names, we decided to launch a Get to Know You feature on our blog where we (you guessed it!) get to know people in the industry. The whole idea is to provide a bit of fun and insight until we all get to meet in person at the next gathering!
Stay tuned next month for the first Q&A with Director Irv Blitz from Production Company MJZ!
Hello to my Hungry Man peeps! You look great!